Call for Contributions
Welcome to the 16th edition of SBCM! The Brazilian Symposia on Computer Music are thriving and exciting venues for sharing ideas about recent developments in the fields of computer music, sound and music processing, music information retrieval, computational musicology, multimedia performance and many other things related to art, science and technology. We would like to invite you to contribute to and participate in this event, which will take place at the beautiful campus of the University of São Paulo, Brazil, from September 3rd to September 6th 2017. This year’s Keynote Speakers are Xavier Serra (Director of the Music Technology Group at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona), Emilios Cambouropoulos (Member of the Cognitive and Computational Musicology Group at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) and Damián Keller (Founder of the Amazon Center for Music Research at the Federal University of Acre). During the event, participants will have the opportunity to attend to keynote talks, oral presentations of music and technical papers, poster discussion sessions, discussion panels and concerts, and will have plenty of opportunities to interact and discuss collaborations with other participants.
Contributions may take the form of full papers, posters and art, as described in the Instructions for Authors. Full papers, which may be technically or musically focused, are expected to present original research, communicated in oral presentations. Music papers are expected to deal with actual instances of music or sound art pieces, which shall be included in the submission. Posters, which are accompanied by extended abstracts and may also be technically or musically focused (with accompanying music pieces), are expected to bring ongoing research open to debate and contributions from participants during specific gatherings. Art can take the form of compositions, performances, installations or objects, which shall be presented either in concerts or exhibition rooms; artistic pieces are also required to be accompanied by extended abstracts, describing how art, science and technology come together in the creative process. All papers and extended abstracts will be included in the electronic proceedings, which become freely available in the SBCM homepage. A special issue of the journal [Musica Hodie][ will also publish extended versions of selected contributions to SBCM 2017.
Important Dates:
- May 30th: EXTENDED Deadline for Papers, Posters and Music submissions
- June 30th: Notifications of accepted submissions
- July 7th: Author registration deadline / Early-bird registration deadline
- July 14th: Camera-ready accepted submissions deadline
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.
We hope to see you all in São Paulo!
The SBCM 2017 Organizing Committee