Imagem de Vitória


Vitoria, capital of Espirito Santo, will host the 13th edition of SBCM. Bellow you will find some information regarded to its location. Vitoria is the second oldest capital of Brazil. Vitoria is part of an archipelago of 33 islands and a mainland portion, totaling 105 square kilometers. The enchanting landscapes of the city impress those who arrives by plane, ship or by land. Seven bridges connecting the island to the mainland of Victoria, a city that emerged on September 8, 1551, the island fist named Guaananira (the Honey Island in the native Indians language).

Vitoria is well known by the hospitality of its people. Tourists in Victoria have at their disposal modern shopping facilities, hotels, event centers, great bars and restaurants. The capital of Espirito Santo, with 320,156 inhabitants according to the IBGE population estimative (2009), is the center of the metropolitan area, bringing together over six municipalities - Cariacica Fundao, Guarapari, Serra, Vila Velha and Viana - totaling an estimated population at 1.6 million. It is strategically located in the southeast, near major urban centers in the country. Confined to the north with the municipality of Serra, south to Old Town, east to the Atlantic Ocean and the west with the municipality of Cariacica. Surrounded by Victoria Harbour and the estuary of the rivers Santa Maria, Seaside, Bubu and Aribiri, the city has islands, hills, creeks, swamps and beaches, scenic elements of great appeal.

The city is unique for its natural beauty, its traditional cultural groups, and its remarkable growth (distinguishing it from other cities in Brazil, Vitoria grows more than the average Brazilian), being a tourist destination on the rise. The city has a land area suitable for events and businesses, emphasizing the achievement of water sports. In high season, especially during the summer, the city's landscape is altered by the presence of luxury transatlantic ships docked at Vitoria's Harbor.


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13th SBCM. 31 august - 3 september - Vitória, ES. Brazil

FAESA - Faculdades Integradas Espírito-santenses - Av. Vitória, 2.220 - Monte Belo, Vitória, ES - CEP 29053-360

Support: Nucleo Amazonico de Pesquisa Universidade de Sao Paulo Universidade de Campinas Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul -  Campus PoA