Score Analyser: Automatically determing scores difficulty level for instrumental e-learning

Presenter: Guilherme Feulo e Guilherme Jun

Nowadays there are a lot of scores available on the internet for free. However, beginners may have some difficulties to choose a score that is appropriate to their instrument level. In this seminar we will talk about the paper SCORE ANALYZER: AUTOMATICALLY DETERMINING SCORES DIFFICULTY LEVEL FOR INSTRUMENTAL E-LEARNING from Véronique Sébastien, Henri Ralambondrainy, Olivier Sébastien and Noël Conruyt,this paper was awarded as the best student paper of 2012 ISMIR. The autors proposed a Score Analyser prototype in order to automatically extract the difficulty level of a MusicXML piece and suggest advice thanks to a Musical Sign Base (MSB). During the seminar we will discuss about their approach and results.<p>

(video presentation in portuguese)

When: September 27th, 2016

Where: Auditório do CCSL