Colaborative experiences between Computer Music and other areas

Presenter: Antonio Deusany de Carvalho Junior, ScD candidate at IME/USP

In this talk we will present many research projects developed from the collaboration between Computer Music and professionals from other areas like Musica, Engineering, Physics, and Medicine. The discussion will focus on the contributions that the Computer Music area provided to the researches and researchers, and we will discuss the interaction between the professionals that had to deal with different technical languages, methods, and scientific approaches in front of the problems to be solved.

The works discussed during this talk had the presenter as a member, and they comprise: musical installation using mobile devices and webservice; the use of mobile sensors during musical performances; a concert taking advantage of cloud computing and web audio; difficult airways evaluation from formant analysis of vowels pronounced by patients; the disgnostic of sleep apnea with mobile devices and sensors; and some works developed with the HardwareLivreUSP group including analog synthesizers and MIDI controllers connected to floppy disks. Some of these researches are in progress, but they already provided many interesting experiences that will be presented during this talk.

(video presentation in portuguese)

When: March 9th, 2016

Where: Auditório do CCSL, IME/USP