Mapping Android sensors using OSC

Presenter: Antonio Deusany de Carvalho Junior

In this talk we will present an application that can send all events from any sensor available on an Android device using OSC and through Unicast or Multicast network communication. Sensors2OSC permits the user to activate and deactivate any sensor at runtime and has forward compatibility with any new sensor that may become available without the need to upgrade the application for that. The sensors rate can be adjusted from the slowest to the fastest, and the user can configure any IP and port to set receivers for OSC messages. The application is described in detail with some discussion about Android device limitations and the advantages of this application in contrast with so many others that are available on the market. The audience is invited to use the application during the demonstrations.

(video presentation in portuguese)

When: June 29th, 2015

Where: Auditório do CCSL, IME/USP