The Influence of Spectrum Content in the Perception of Consonant and Dissonant Chords and its reflex on Brain Activity
Presenter: Guilherme Feulo do Espírito Santo
In this seminar we present the paper "A Influência do Conteúdo Espectral na percepção de acordes Consonantes e Dissonantes e seu reflexo na Atividade Cerebral" (The Influence of Spectrum Content in the Perception of Consonant and Dissonant Chords and its reflex on Brain Activity) developed in partnership with Antonio Goulart and Micael Antunes, that tackles the basis for the musical consonance analysis and its relationship with the spectral content of chords present in the tonal system and, based on this, propose an experiment that explores through electroencephalography a relation between the harmonic nature of musical instruments and the brain response to the auditory stimulus.
When: June 1st, 2015
Where: 144-B