Musical accompaniment algorithms for polyphonic performances

Presenter: Roberto Piassi Passos Bodo

In this talk we will present a paper by Joshua J. Bloch and Roger B. Dannenberg entitled "Real-Time Computer Accompaniment of Keyboard Performances" (ICMC 1985). In this paper a set of algorithms is developed to deal with real-time accompaniment of polyphonic performances.

We are in a scenario in which the computer listens to a musician's performance, compares the events of the input with the events of a score and, with a high correlation between them, infers a tempo and plays the appropriate accompaniment.

To handle with polyphonic instruments, the authors considered three design decisions: define the meaning of best association between performance and score, decide with confidence which point of the score the musician is and group disordered notes into compounds events.

(video presentation in portuguese)

When: September 24th, 2013

Where: Room B-3 at IME/USP