Alternatives in network transport protocols for audio streaming applications

Presenter: Flávio Schiavoni, PhD student at IME/USP

Audio streaming is often pictured as a networking application that is not concerned with packet loss or data integrity, but is otherwise very latency-sensitive. However, some usage scenarios may be identified, such as remote recording, that shift concerns towards more conservative views regarding stream integrity. Although many streaming applications today use the UDP protocol, there are some alternative transport layer protocols that are worth investigating, especially in applications other than Voice-over-IP (VoIP) or live distributed performance. In this seminar we will compare audio streaming in local-area computer networks over four different transport protocols on the TCP/IP stack: TCP, UDP, STCP and DCCP. Each of these protocols and their features will be discussed, first from a theoretical point-of-view, and then through experimental results.<p>

(video presentation in portuguese)

When: September 10th, 2013

Where: Room B-3, IME/USP