Warbike - Sonification of wireless networks for a bike

Presenter: Gilmar Rocha de Oliveira Dias

This talk will present the Warbike project: an artistic sonification of wireless networks for a bike, where data about networks activity and encryption status are translated into sounds by means of a bicycle equipped with speakers and a mobile device. The work is located in the psychogeography universe and its contemporary counterpart like locative media, wardriving, and the bicycle as a symbol and as a platform for political manifestation. The seminar will discuss the motivations for the realization of the project, the methods and choices for the construction of the device, and the applied sonification techniques. The central point is on how sonification can be used to communicate to the rider his movement through the invisible infrastructure of wireless networks of the city.

When: September 20th, 2012

Where: Room 268-A, at IME/USP