Musical agents reasoning, algorithmic composition, articial life and interactivity in multiagent musical systems

Presenter: Santiago Dávila Benavides

Multiple musical multiagent systems have been developed in the last years proving the increasing interest in composition and musical performance systems that exploit intelligent agents technology. Thereis an special focus on systems that integrate algorithmic composition techniques, articial life and interactivity. We can also observe that most of these existing projects show many exibility and scope limitations, as they normally use symbolic musical notation and they solve a single issue or scenario, as well as they have a technical motivation rather than a musical one. In that context, some musical multiagent systems frameworks as Ensemble and Interactive Swarm Orchestra emerge, trying to help the modeling and development of this kind of musical systems, diversifying the applications' types, as they can be composition problems or musical performances, and allowing the inclusion of other kind of musical content communication. Through these new tools we study the musical agent from an internal perspective, focusing on its reasoning components, processes that dene the behavior of an agent on its system's virtual environment and that are essential to determine and improve its compositional value. The studied frameworks show unique features as they support audio as a possible musical notation format; they exploit sound spatialization and they work with interactivity in their applications, including agent-to-agent or human-to-agent interaction. We consider potential users for these tools, as composers and musicians interested in performances or other musical interactive systems enthusiasts

When: August 30th, 2012

Where: Room 252-A, at IME/USP