Keynote Speakers
Dra. Isabel Cecilia Martínez
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Doctora en Psicología de la Música por la Universidad de Roehampton Surrey, Reino Unido. Es Licenciada y Profesora en Educación Musical egresada de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Es Profesora Titular de las cátedras de Metodología de las Asignaturas Profesionales y Audioperceptiva 1 y 2 en la Facultad de Bellas Artes de la UNLP. Es Docente Investigadora Categoría I y Directora del Laboratorio para el Estudio de la Experiencia Musical (LEEM-FBA-UNLP). Dirige un equipo de investigadores, becarios y tesistas de la UNLP en el proyecto de investigación “La corporeidad de la mente musical. Hacia una definición de su estatura en el estudio de la ontogénesis, la percepción y la performance de la música”. Es directora del Proyecto PICT 2013-0368 “Musicalidad Comunicativa en las Artes Temporales y la Temprana Infancia” subsidiado por la Agencia para la Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (FONCYT). Es editora de la revista Epistemus y miembro del comité editorial de varias publicaciones académicas internacionales. Ha dictado cursos y conferencias en varios países de Latinoamérica y Europa y es profesora en diversos posgrados de universidades argentinas y extranjeras. Es miembro fundador y Presidente actual de la Sociedad Argentina para las Ciencias Cognitivas de la Música (SACCoM). Investiga aspectos de la cognición musical corporeizada y el pensamiento metafórico en la música y sus implicancias para la teoría y la práctica de la enseñanza en la formación musical. Ha publicado y difundido su investigación en el ámbito nacional e internacional.
Martín Rocamora
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Martín Rocamora is Assistant Professor in Signal Processing at Universidad de la República (UdelaR), Uruguay. He holds B.Sc, M.Sc., and D.Sc. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the School of Engineering (UdelaR). He was Teaching Assistant in Music Technology at the School of Music (UdelaR). His research focuses on the application of machine learning and signal processing to audio signals, with applications in machine listening, music information retrieval, and computational musicology. He is currently a member of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), the AES (Audio Engineering Society) and the SNI (Sistema Nacional de Investigadores) in Uruguay. Please visit his personal website for a complete list of publications and code/data releases (
Maurício Alves Loureiro
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Aeronautical Engineer, graduated at the Technological Institute of Aeronautics – ITA (1976) and clarinetist, graduated at the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik Freiburg, Germany (1983), sponsored by DAAD, where he studied with famous clarinetist Dieter Klöcker. In 1991 he obtained a Doctor degree in Music at the University of Iowa, USA, where he also studied electronic and computer music. In 1985 he was appointed as the first clarinet assistant of the State Symphony Orchestra of São Paulo, the most prominent Brazilian Symphony Orchestra. He has appeared as soloist with some of the leading orchestras in Brazil and participated as invited artist on major music festivals in Brazil and in USA. In 1994, he organized the first Brazilian Symposium for Computer Music, as well as its fifth (1998) and tenth versions (2005). He was associated professor at the Institute of Arts of the State University of São Paulo - UNESP (1984-1992) and is now full professor at the School of Music of the Federal University of Minas Gerais - UFMG, where he coordinates the research group CEGeME - Center for Studies of Musical Gesture and Expression and directed the IEAT - Institute of Advanced Transdisciplinary Studies of UFMG (2009-2013).
Fernando Iazzetta
Research lab Homepage:
Fernando Iazzetta is a Brazilian composer and performer. He teaches music technology and electroacoustic composition at the University of São Paulo and is the director of NuSom – Research Centre on Sonology at the same university. His works have been presented in concerts and music festivals in Brazil and abroad. As a researcher he has been interested in the investigation of experimental forms of music and sound art. He also runs a record label and studio – the LAMI – at the University of São Paulo. He currently is a research fellow at CNPq, the Brazilian National Council of Scientific and Technological Development. Since 2010 he is the consultant for the Arts Committee at FAPESP – the São Paulo Research Foundation.