ACMUS: Room acoustics, simulation and design
Author: Fernando Iazzetta (ECA/USP), Fábio Kon (IME/USP), Marcelo Queiroz (IME/USP), Márcio Avelar (UNICAMP), Diversos estudantes
Advisor: Marcelo Queiroz
The AcMus project was started under the previous Thematic Project3 and had the AcMus program as one of its results. It is an application intended for the study, measurement and design of environments based on their acoustic properties. Two main modules are implemented: the Acoustic Measurement module, which extracts the Impulse Response of a room to later calculate a series of acoustic parameters of the same; and the Tools module, which offers various utilities such as room resonance mode calculator, reverberation time calculator, Schroeder diffuser design and convolution.
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