- Undergrad: MAC0337 - Computer Music.
- Undergrad: MAC0317 - Introduction to Digital Signal Processing.
- Graduate: MAC5900 - Computer Music.
- Graduate: MAC5920 - Introduction to Digital Signal Processing.
- Graduate: MAC6917 - Topics in Sound and Music Computing.
- Material of courses on Music and Technology from the department of Music of ECA/USP.
- LAMI - Laboratory of Musical Acoustics and Informatics - ECA/USP.
- NEAC - Group of Audio Engeneering and Sound Coding - LSI-EP/USP.
International conferences on Computer Music
- ICMC - International Computer Music Conference.
- SMC - Sound and Music Computing Conference.
- LAC - Linux Audio Conference.
- DAFX - International Conference on Digital Audio Effects.
- ISMIR - International Society for Music information Retrieval.
- NIME - International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression.
- CMMR - International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research
- MCM - Mathematics and Computation in Music
- ICNMC - International Conference on New Music Concepts
National conferences
- SBCM - Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music.
- UbiMus - Workshop in Ubiquitous Music.
- SMCT - Seminar on Music Science Technology.
- Computer Music Journal
- Leonardo Music Journal
- Organised Sound
- Journal of New Music Research
- ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
- Acta Acustica united with Acustica
- IEEE Multimedia Magazine
- IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
- IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing
- Journal of Interdisciplinary Music Studies
- Musicae Scientiae
- Journal of Mathematics and Music
- EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing
Related conferences
- AAMAS - Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems.
- ISM - IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia.
- ISAIM - Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics.
- ICCIMA - International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications.
- Margareth Guthman Musical Instrument Competition.
- WOSSPA - International Workshop on Systems, Signal Processing and their Applications.
Interesting Pages
- Pure Data: Graphical programming language for audio and video, created by Miller Puckette, free and open source.
- Wikipedia article on Computer Music: the article is short, but there are a lot of links to several research areas and topics within Computer Music.
- Archives of the Brazilian Computer Music Symposium: this is a bianual conference. Almost all proceedings are freely available in this repository.
- Python in Music.
- Benson, D., Music: a Mathematical Offering, Cambridge University Press, 2006. - PDF
- Boulanger, R., The Csound Book: Perspectives in Software Synthesis, Sound Design, Signal Processing,and Programming, MIT Press, 2000.
- Miranda, E., Computer Sound Synthesis for the Electronic Musician, Focal Press, 1998.
- Miranda, E., Composing Music with Computers, Focal Press, 2001.
- Miranda, E., Computer Sound Design: Synthesis Techniques and Programming, 2002.
- Road, C., The Computer Music Tutorial, MIT Press, 1996.
- Moore, F. R., Elements of Computer Music, Prentice Hall, 1990.
- Puckette, M., Theory and Techniques of Electronic Music, World Scientific Press, 2007. - PDF
- Rocchesso, D., Introduction to Sound Processing, 2003. - PDF
- Rowe, R., Machine Musicianship, MIT Press, 2001.