Special Issues
The 17th SBCM will select papers to a special issue edition of two important Brazilian Academic Journals: RITA and PER MUSI. We are happy to create this oportunity to authors to expand their works published on SBCM proceedings and we hope these editions would help to broadcast the research on Computer Music presented in our Symposium.
The Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada - RITA is edited under the responsibility of the Institute of Informatics of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS, Brazil. The journal publishes works that show state of the art and trends of the area of Informatics and its applications, also serving as a forum for discussions of projects under development in universities and research centers, as well as their results and application perspectives. The Journal also serves as a vehicle for the dissemination of selected works in events through Special Sections. RITA is one of the most important Academic journal in Brazil focused on Computer Science field and is classified as Qualis B3 in Computer Science, one of the bests classifications among Brazilians’ Journals. Best Technically focused Full papers will be invited to publish an extended version and we hope your paper will be part of it.
The PER MUSI is a free access publication of the Graduate Music Program of the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil, which offers a democratic forum for intellectual thinking in the area of music where diversity and debate are welcome. PER MUSI is one of the best academic journals in Brazil focused on Music and it is ranked as Qualis A1 in Arts. Best Musically focused Full Papers will be invited to publish an extended version and we hope your paper will be part of it.