Composing with Interactive Genetic Algorithms

Artemis Moroni

Automation Institute - IA
Technological Center for Informatics - CTI
CP 6162 Campinas, SP, Brazil - 13081/970

Jônatas Manzolli

Interdisciplinary Nucleus for Sound Communication - NICS
State University of Campinas - UNICAMP
Campinas, SP, Brazil - 13081/970

Fernando Von Zuben

Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering - FEEC
State University of Campinas - UNICAMP
Campinas, SP, Brazil - 13081/970


This paper addresses the use of IGA in composition. Starting upon theoretical issues and examples of IGA applications in computer graphics it moves to computer music. We concentrate our discussion only on interactive strategies used in Vox Populi to provide dynamic control of the fitness function to evaluate melodic, harmonic and voice range musical features. The fitness is tuned in real time through control curves in a graphic pad.