AI/Music Group
Faculty of Music and Dept. of Artificial Intelligence
University of Edinburgh
12, Nicolsou
Edinburgh, EH8 9DF, Scotland, UK.
In this paper we introduce the fundamentals of ARTIST (an acronym for Artificial Intelligence-aided Synthesis Tool). ARTIST is a tool for the design of intelligent assistants for sound synthesis that allow composition of sounds thought of in terms of qualitative descriptions (e.g. words in English) and intuitive operations rather than low level computer programming. Our research work is looking for (a) plausible strategies to map the composer's intuitive notion of sounds to the parametric control of electronic sound synthesis and (b) how to provide artificial intelligence (AI) to a synthesiser. In this paper we introduce how we attempted to approach the problem by means of a compilation of a few well known expert systems design techniques used in AI research. ARTIST is a prototype system which embodies the results of our investigation so far.
Keywords: AI-based synthesiser, knowledge-based systems, machine learning