Time Trees as Virtual Worlds

Aluizio Arcela

University of Brasilia
Computer Science Dept.


Music can be described in the light of the data structures living inside its smaller particles where time and space are combined into a single piece of information representing a sort of genetic code whose interpretation shows the existence of some cues for explaining and building music itself. Musical events can be read from these well-formed data structures-- also known as time trees-- which are revealed if the interval is investigated by a model able to preserve all the significant information present in the corresponding physical phenomenon. The common sense model using only two whole numbers is not enough, for there is mathematical and acoustical evidence showing that the interval is an object possessing three different states which depend not only on the frequency but also on the intensity ratio. Entire spectral charts after being computed by time trees are converted into 3D virtual worlds from the computation of acoustical, geometrical, luminous and kinematic values, all of them related to the internal physics of the intervals. The visitors of such worlds can experiment real time musical compositions while navegating and interacting with the sonic objects there defined.